New Gun Control Bill Filed in Congress!

The AR-15, more than any other firearm in history, symbolizes Americans’ love of freedom and defiance of tyranny.

Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats know this, and that’s why they are rolling out new legislation that would enact a 1,000% tax increase on AR-15s and magazines! 

Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) has just filed the bill and he’s racked up dozens of co-sponsors in just a matter of days!

And with RINOs betraying us left and right in D.C., Beyer very well may have the votes already to pass H.R. 5135!

And if this happens, you and I could wind up paying between $5,000 and $20,000 for an AR-15 and $200 for a 30-round AR mag!

To be very clear, this bill is NOT limited to AR-15s alone. Hundreds of similar rifles, shotguns, and handguns would be subject to this 1,000% tax increase.

We all know why: Biden’s handlers are determined to disarm us any way they can. And with SCOTUS’s Bruen decision making it much harder for an outright BAN on AR-15s, they hope to tax them to hell and gone!

This way, Biden can functionally outlaw so called “assault weapons” without ever having to have his America-hating allies in Congress vote on a bill that confiscates guns.

And with Congressional Republican Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) already sponsoring gun control legislation like “Universal Background Checks,” it’s clear that H.R. 5135 could receive major support from the RINOs!

We can’t take anything for granted.

That’s why you need to sign your petition right now to your U.S. Senators and Congressman, demanding they VOTE NO on H.R. 5135!

If Congress can put a 1,000% tax on our Second Amendment freedoms, they might as well repeal the whole damn thing.

Help us fight back! Please sign your petition and then make a generous donation right away!

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association