Wayne LaPierre Resigns

In case you haven’t heard the news, the long time head of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, resigned yesterday.

Below I invite you to read the statement AFA released concerning Mr. LaPierre’s resignation. As you will see, we don’t hold back any punches. 

AFA’s federal and state legislative lobbying team has nearly 60 years experience fighting for your gun rights in state capitals and in Washington, DC.

Over the decades, we’ve routinely witnessed NRA lobbyists work against your gun rights under the cover of darkness.

As you read all of the details in the statement below, I invite you to consider joining up as a member of AFA.

When people ask us what’s the difference between AFA and the NRA, the answer is simple: “we’re meaner, nastier and more principled than the NRA could ever imagine.”

Please read our statement below, and take the opportunity right now to join up with AFA today.

AFA statement on the resignation of Wayne LaPierre:

“Under Wayne LaPierre’s decades-long tenure, the NRA supported Gun Free School Zones, Red Flag Gun Confiscation, the Brady Gun Owner Database, repeatedly opposed Constitutional Carry in state capitals nationwide, and endorsed Democrat Senate gun-grabber Harry Reid and countless other anti-gun Democrats in states all across the nation. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of his betrayal of gun owners.

LaPierre’s NRA has totally refused to support eliminating the ATF or repealing the National Firearms Act (NFA). In fact, decades ago, the NRA authored the NFA.

Under LaPierre, “compromise” of our Second Amendment rights has been the name of the game.

As has been publicly documented, Wayne LaPierre routinely wasted tens of millions of dollars of NRA member dues on lavish suits, Italian leather loafers, trips, private jets and in recent years, on high priced attorneys in a desperate bid to hang on to power.

Because of his actions, a new generation of gun rights groups emerged, nastier, meaner and more principled than the NRA could ever imagine. The proud, card carrying members of the American Firearms Association and our 17 state affiliates across the country intend to completely and totally remove the government from the gun business in state capitals, in Congress, and in the courts.

It’s 1776 or bust for the Second Amendment in this country.”

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association