VIDEO: Biden Calls for Gun Control

On the heels of a renewed push out of the U.S. Senate for passage of National Gun Registration (H.R. 8), Joe Biden used a White House East Room video statement calling for “action” on gun control.

First, Biden called for the passage of National Gun Registration (H.R. 8), which anti-gun Democrat Senators Dick Durbin (IL) and Chris Murphy (CT) attempted to attach to legislation in the Senate just last week.

Then, Biden called for “Red Flag Gun Confiscation” legislation, which is the second priority on the wish list of Bloomberg / Soros-funded anti-gun groups.

Finally, Biden bragged about sending at least “5 BILLION DOLLARS” to the states in his so-called “Build Back Better” program to crack down on law-abiding gun owners all under the guise of “gun violence prevention.”

Can you chip in $10, $20 or whatever you can afford today to help AFA mobilize millions of gun owners across America to OPPOSE National Gun Registration and the entire Biden gun control agenda?


We know Biden and the Dems would do anything to pass gun control into law as we head into a crucial 2022 election year. 

They’re funded by billionaires like Michael Bloomberg and George Soros who expect to get a return on their investment.

With the Senate deadlocked at 50-50, Second Amendment activists must remain ever vigilant, keeping pressure on our elected officials in Washington, DC, particularly in the Senate.

We’ve seen weak-kneed Republicans like Lindsay Graham (SC), Rob Portman (OH), Marco Rubio (FL), Susan Collins (ME), Thom Tillis (NC), Pat Toomey (PA) and others who cave to the radical left when the Fake News media cranks up the pressure.

It’s not enough to hope they’ll vote right. 

It’s time to take action.

Please chip in $10, $20 or whatever you can afford today to help DEFEAT Joe Biden’s gun control agenda!

For America,

Christopher Dorr
American Firearms Association

P.S. The fight is on to STOP H.R. 8, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi’s National Gun Registration bill!

Please check out the announcement from Biden above and then get in this fight and make a contribution to help us mobilize gun owners against this anti-gun legislation