Utah Man Killed in FBI Raid

There’s still much we don’t know about the death of 74-year-old Utah man, Craig Deleeuw Robertson, who was killed in an FBI raid earlier this week just prior to Joe Biden’s visit to Utah.

His family insists Mr. Robertson was a “self-employed woodworker, largely homebound, had limited mobility, was a gun enthusiast and devoted churchgoer.”

The FBI claimed he was “radicalized” (whatever that means).

What we know right now in America in 2023, the three letter agencies are being used against Second Amendment supporters like no time we’ve seen in recent history.

At any given time, the FBI or ATF could knock on your door and demand for you to explain what you meant by something you posted on social media.

In the case of Mr. Robertson, he’s now dead because of it.

That’s why we’re encouraging all of our members and supporters to be prepared in case the FBI / ATF comes knocking on your door.

AFA’s Aaron Dorr lays out the top five things you need to do if it happens to you!


After you’ve watched, please consider joining up or renewing with AFA and get our all-new “DEFEND THE SECOND” t-shirt (don’t forget your t-shirt size)!

For America,

Patrick Parsons, Executive Vice President
American Firearms Association