Two anti-gun things happening today on Capitol Hill

The gun-grabbers in the Senate are coming at us from angles today, holding a vote in the Judiciary Committee for the nomination of anti-gun ATF nominee Steve Dettelbach this morning . . .

. . . then at 1:30 restarting negotiations over the “Red Flag” gun control which is running into problems thanks to your grassroots heat.

First action item for you this morning is to hammer your pre-written emails into the offices of your Senators on Capitol Hill.  It’s vital every single Republican on Judiciary votes NO on this nomination.


AFA is flooding Capitol Hill this week, working with staff and elected officials to blow up the “Red Flag” deal being negotiated by the NRA, Republican Senators John Cornyn, Thom Tillis and Socialist Democrat Senators.

Your calls, emails, and petitions are being felt on Capitol Hill.

Two days ago, what looked like easy passage of this gun control deal has now run into roadblocks.

Please keep up the heat on the Senate by calling your Senators at 202-224-3121, then hammer them again with emails using the link below.


AFA is using the financial resources entrusted to us from our supporters to run ads and grassroots mobilization campaigns across the country.

THOUSANDS of Americans are seeing what AFA does right now — confront the politicians politically — and are coming on board as members.

If you’ve yet to join or renew for 2022, there’s no better time than now!

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association