“Treacherous bastards” Triggers the New York Times

You know there’s at least one thing that makes the American Firearms Association different from all the others . . .

We call things like we see them.

And that totally TRIGGERS the Fake News Media.

After five RINOs in the House voted for Nancy Pelosi’s Red Flags, we told gun owners that there were as many as two dozen “treacherous bastards” in the U.S. Senate negotiating with Democrat gun-grabbers.

That didn’t sit too well with the New York Times, who scolded AFA, outraged that we would dare utter such words.

There is absolutely ZERO room for compromise with Democrat gun-grabbers who want to disarm the entire country.

We said it once and we’ll say it again — any Republican negotiating with them over our gun rights is a “treacherous bastard.”

The fight that we just waged in the House is child’s play compared to the war that we now face in the U.S. Senate. Because of your grassroots heat, just five RINOs voted with Pelosi in the House.

But in the Senate, 24 Republicans are in play. 

Not only do we have to mobilize our members nationwide to beat back this assault in the Senate, we’re going to have to spend big to do so.

And we only have two or three weeks to stop them.

This could be Joe Biden’s last shot to ram gun control down our throats through the Senate before the November election . . .

We’re asking everyone to redouble your efforts and make a generous contribution today to our Second Amendment Defense Fund so that we have all the resources necessary to win this fight!

>>> Chip in $17.76 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $25 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $50 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $100 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $250 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $500 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $1,000 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

And if you’ve yet to join or renew your membership with the American Firearms Association, please do so today!

For America,

Christopher Dorr, 
American Firearms Association