They never stopped

For most of us, Father’s Day weekend is a time spent with family and loved ones honoring the fathers of this country who make it great.

We hope you had a great one, but now is the time to fire the grassroots engine back up, and keep the heat on the U.S. Senate where dangerous “Red Flag Gun Confiscation” negotiations are taking place right now.

In fact, the gun-grabbers never stopped working over the weekend.

According to our sources on Capitol Hill, anti-gun staffers worked throughout Father’s Day, in constant communication with TRAITOR Senator John Cornyn, who even after being boo’ed off the stage in Houston on Friday, continued his assault on our Second Amendment rights.  

The key to winning this battle against the gun-grabbers is constant, sustained heat on Republicans in particular, who shouldn’t be anywhere close to supporting “Red Flags” or any other form of gun control.

That’s why we’re asking you to get active again today, and hammer those email petitions into your Senators.

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Thanks to your generous financial support, the American Firearms Association kept our ads firing on all cylinders over the weekend, hammering fence-riding Republicans in their home states over “Red Flags.”

This week is the last for the Senate until a two-week July 4th break. 

It will be a battle, but if we can keep up massive pressure on the Senate over the next five days, the odds of this “deal” happening start to fall off.

Please chip in with a generous contribution below to keep our ads running, and to keep gun owners mobilized to OPPOSE this attack on our gun rights!

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If you’ve yet to join or renew for 2022, consider doing so today!

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association