TAKE ACTION: Stop final push for gun control

Left-wing Commie mommies and anti-gun activists are flooding Capitol Hill this week in Washington, demanding Chuck Schumer and the Democrats ram home gun control before the end of the year.

Their top demand is H.R. 1808, the so-called “assault weapons ban” already passed by Nancy Pelosi through the U.S. House.

Funded by Soros & Bloomberg, the Commie mommies are also backed by 70 big city mayors who’ve signed a letter demanding gun control passage.

With 15 Senate Republicans still in office who voted to send gun control to Biden’s desk this summer, we can’t let our guard down.

It’s vital Second Amendment supporters like you and I keep our foot on the gas over the next three weeks of this “lame duck” session.

Please keep up the heat on U.S. Senators to OPPOSE H.R. 1808 by signing AFA’s STOP THE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN petition below!

For America,

Patrick Parsons
Executive Vice President
American Firearms Association

P.S. If you’ve yet to join or renew with AFA for 2023, please click here to do so now . . . the fights are white hot!