Stop Polis’ Assault Weapons Ban! You

Jared Polis and Colorado Dems are looking to RAM it into law a so-called “assault weapons ban” as soon as possible!

The bill is HB23-1230, introduced by Representative Elisabeth Epps and Senator Rhonda Fields.

It must be DEFEATED!

HB23-1230 would ban hundreds of types of commonly used “semiautomatic” firearms and also ban the sale, transfer, importation and manufacture of so-called “assault weapons.”

We’re asking all of our supporters across Colorado to take action today to crank up the heat at the Capitol in Denver.

It’s vital we mobilize tens of thousands of gun owners across the state to OPPOSE HB23-1230!

Please sign your official petition to DEFEAT JARED POLIS’ ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN!

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association