SAPA Can Cripple Joe Biden’s Plans!

With Joe Biden using Executive Actions and the threat of legislation in Congress to crush our 2A, more gun owners than ever before are asking about the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) bill that Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced on behalf of AFA.

The American Firearms Association has been leading this effort from the beginning, having helped write this legislation and having it sponsored in the 2021 Congress.

Of course, the leftists across the country have been mocking SAPA legislation, and gun-control organizations in D.C. have insisted that SAPA couldn’t become law anywhere in America.

But they all stopped laughing when our state affiliate organization in Missouri — the Missouri Firearms Coalition — passed the Second Amendment Preservation Act into law in June at the state level!

Help the American Firearms Association pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act today. Sign your OFFICIAL PETITION in support NOW!


SAPA legislation (H.R. 993) would completely remove federal funding for the implementation of ANY gun control in America, as well as remove funding for any law or regulation issued by the ATF.

So Joe Biden could pass whatever gun control legislation he wants, sign any executive actions banning guns that he wants, and they wouldn’t have a single penny to pay for it.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

This bill is ROCK SOLID and ready to be passed.

The question is, do politicians in D.C. have the political guts to do it?


You and I both know that passing this legislation will not happen without a massive fight in D.C, not with the moderate RINOs and radical Democrats running the show.

We’re going to need to pour on the grassroots pressure! So please sign your petition in support of SAPA NOW!

After your petition has been received, you’ll be taken to a confirmation page where you’ll be given the option to make a donation — and I hope you’ll be generous!  

Whether you can afford a gift of $5, $50, or $500, please make it now. AFA is already assembling our plan of attack for after Congress returns from summer break, and we need to know how much ammo we’ll be able to fire!

Joe Biden is actively coming after us with Executive Actions and legislation in Congress.

SAPA is how to we stop him.

Take action NOW!  

For America,

Christopher Dorr
American Firearms Association

P.S. America NEEDS Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Second Amendment Preservation Act to totally defund Joe Biden’s gun control agenda. 

Our state affiliates in Missouri just enacted this legislation, and it’s time that we do this at the Federal level too! Sign your petition in support of SAPA now!