REPEAL the Pistol Brace Ban!

This situation right now in the House of Representatives is bad.  Really bad.

Over the weekend, we showed you video of Georgia Congressman Andrew Clyde describing how Kevin McCarthy is blocking H.J. Res. 44, legislation that would REPEAL Joe Biden’s unconstitutional “pistol brace ban.”

And it’s not just that McCarthy is blocking the legislation, it’s that he told Congressman Clyde he would not allow it to the floor if he didn’t vote for the debt ceiling scam last week.

Thankfully Clyde didn’t cave to McCarthy’s threat, but word on Capitol Hill is that Republican leadership is still playing games with your 2A rights.

Moments ago, Navy Seal Congressman Eli Crane of Arizona tweeted that McCarthy is using them as a bargaining chips.

Outrageous to say the least, but to be expected in the Swamp.

The good news is, because of the grassroots outrage over this disgusting backroom threat by McCarthy coming to light, gun owners are fired up.

If we’re going to get H.R. Res. 44 onto the floor and pass through the House, it will take hundreds of thousands of emails, petitions, calls, and texts to get it done.

We’re asking each of our supporters to do three things today to help make this happen:

First, we’re asking all AFA supporters nationwide to sign the OFFICIAL PETITION TO REPEAL THE PISTOL BRACE BAN!


Secondly, please call your Congressman right now and tell them to SUPPORT H.J. Res 44 and publicly call for a vote on the floor of the House.

Call Today >>> 202-224-3121

Finally, please chip in $10 or $20 to help AFA get the word out and mobilize gun owners nationwide to put heat on Congress to get this done!

As we’ve told you time and time again, without grassroots heat on Congress or state legislatures, the politicians usually do nothing to defend our Second Amendment rights.


After taking action, please consider joining up with AFA for 2023 if you’ve yet to do so — get in the fight today!

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association