Red Flag Gun Seizure Hearing in DC!

Dear AFC Supporter,

On Tuesday, March 26, South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has scheduled a hearing on “Red Flag Gun Seizure” legislation (S. 7) in the Senate Judiciary Committee!

Yes, you read that right — REPUBLICAN Lindsey Graham is pushing this legislation — which is a “red flag” for those of us who wish to protect our Second Amendment rights.

Normally, in a Republican controlled US Senate, you and I could safely ignore these threats, as they are destined to go nowhere due to the partisan makeup of the Senate.

Sadly, that’s not the case this time.

You see, S. 7 was filed by Marco Rubio, a Republican Senator from Florida.  More than that, the bill already has Republican cosponsors.

>>> Click Here to Send Your Pre-Written Email OPPOSING S. 7 <<<

And perhaps worst of all, the bill has the approval of the National Rifle Association itself!

In a recent video released by the NRA’s Chris Cox, he says they are in full support of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation provided that they do away with the ex-parte provision.

In other words, as long as you are able to stand in court and face your accusers, they are in agreement with this legislation!

And while that’s a small step in the right direction, the biggest threat facing gun owners through these ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ is the fact that you could lose your gun rights before you’ve been ARRESTED, CHARGED, OR CONVICTED OF A CRIME!

That’s why we’ve put together a pre-written email that you can send directly to both of your U.S. Senators INSISTING they vote against S. 7.

>>> Click Here to Send Your Pre-Written Email OPPOSING S. 7 <<<

In the last three weeks, American Firearms Association supporters have hammered Capitol Hill with more than 57,000 emails opposing “Red Flag Gun Seizures”.

Please help us keep up the pressure on the U.S. Senate by sending your pre-written email now, then consider joining up as a member of the American Firearms Association today.

>>> Click HERE to Join the American Firearms Association <<<

Your activism opposing S. 7 is the only force standing in the way of this bill passing out of the Judiciary Committee, through the full Senate, and then easily cruising through Nancy Pelosi’s House.

After you’ve sent your emails and joined up with AFC, please help spread the word by taking this link and sharing it with your friends and family on email and social media.  

Thank you for your grassroots activism and support!

— The American Firearms Association

P.S. “Red Flag Gun Seizure” legislation (S. 7) is scheduled for a hearing in Washington, DC on Tuesday, March 26.

Please click here to send a pre-written email to your U.S. Senators OPPOSING S. 7!

After you’ve done that, click here to become a member of the American Firearms Association today.