“Red Flag” bill expected at any time now

TRAITOR Texas Senator John Cornyn said this morning that he expects the “Red Flag” gun control bill to be introduced at any time now.

Your grassroots heat has caused MAJOR problems with this legislation, forcing numerous rounds of negotiations, and leaving its passage in doubt.

There’s only one acceptable outcome that will protect our Second Amendment rights — this bill must die on the Senate floor.

Hammer the U.S. Senate with another round of calls:

>>> 202-224-3121 <<<

And then pound those emails >>> StopRedFlags.com

Please make a generous contribution below so AFA can keep our ads running non-stop, targeting Senators in states across the country — Bloomberg is spending millions of dollars to get this passed!

>>> Chip in $17.76 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $25 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $50 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $100 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $250 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $500 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $1,000 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<


If you’ve yet to join or renew for 2022, there’s no better time than now!

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association