Tell Your Politicians in Austin to Oppose Red Flag Gun Seizures! ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation would allow judges here in Texas to order your firearms to be seized before you have been charged, indicted, or convicted of ANYTHING! The complaint can come from an...
Tell the Politicians in Austin to Oppose A Statewide Gun Registry! Sign Your Petition NOW! A group of radical socialist lawmakers in Austin, led by Representative Lina Ortega and Senator Cesar Blanco have declared open war on the Second Amendment, and their number one...
Tell the Politicians in Austin to Oppose A Statewide Gun Registry! A group of radical socialist lawmakers in Austin, led by Representative Lina Ortega and Senator Cesar Blanco have declared open war on the Second Amendment, and their number one agenda is to pass H.B....
Stop The Open Carry Repeal in Texas! Radical anti-gun politicians in Austin have pre-filed HB127, an insane gun control bill that would make it totally ILLEGAL to carry a long gun outside your home. Most states in America allow for open carry but these thugs think...
Don’t Let the Politicians in Austin Ban Our AR-15’s! The AR-15 is the most popular rifle in America, with an estimated 20 million of them in circulation across the country! It’s easy to see why; these firearms are easy to maneuver, accurate,...