Pelosi / Schumer / NRA Gun Control Deal

During the dead of the night (2:30 AM) Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi cut a deal to stuff the Dianne Feinstein / NRA Gun Control Bill (S. 3623) into their $1.5 trillion spending boondoggle!

Here’s a report from The Hill newspaper:

“Democratic leaders say the newly unveiled bipartisan omnibus spending package includes the reauthorization of (VAWA) . . . Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) marked the news in a joint statement on early Wednesday detailing the introduction of the larger $1.5 trillion government funding omnibus.”

Let’s stand together as gun owners and be very clear to ANY Republican who votes for this legislation:

You are voting for gun control and we will publish the names of the traitor RINOs who vote for this blatant anti-Second Amendment power grab.

CLICK BELOW and rip off another email petition to your Senators insisting they vote NO — KEEP UP THE HEAT!

We want to make sure you’re always armed with the facts — here are the gun control provisions still remaining in Feinstein / NRA Gun Control language:

1. A new requirement that would send an incident report to local law enforcement every time someone fails a NICS check, encouraging law enforcement to open a criminal investigation against you for failing a NICS check, allowing you to be harassed for no reason!

2. New language allowing state and local prosecutors to be deputized as part-time United States Attorneys and state and local cops to be deputized as part-time ATF agents to investigate and prosecute violations of this new law.

Take action today to OPPOSE the NRA / Feinstein Gun Control Bill!

For America,

Christopher Dorr
American Firearms Association

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