NRA Exposed Next Weekend!

Dear Fellow Patriot,

One week from today the team here at the American Firearms Association will descend on Indianapolis, Indiana where the NRA is holding their annual convention.

We’ll be there OPPOSING their push for “Red Flag Gun Seizure” legislation in Washington, DC, exposing the NRA’s betrayal of gun owners to the 80,0000 visitors expected to attend.

We know the NRA is aware we are coming, and they’re doing everything in their power to stop us.

But they can’t — we’re committed to getting the truth out about the NRA’s push for “Red Flags” to gun owners in attendance AND President Trump, who’s expected to speak on Friday.

We’ve spent the last month carefully laying out a battle plan to reach those 80,000 attendees during the four day convention.

While we’d love to tell you every detail of our plan, we won’t be “letting the cat out of the bag” because we know the NRA monitors our email alerts and social media activities, which reach hundreds of thousands of gun owners across the country each week.

Right now we’re asking for your financial support to help execute our “Expose the NRA” program next weekend in Indianapolis.

We’ll broadcast to hundreds of thousands of gun owners live on social media, hammer out nationwide grassroots emails, and conduct media interviews.

As our plan is being executed, you will know about it in real time.

This program will be big, controversial, and talked about for a long time to come.

But we can’t make it all happen without contributions from AFC members and supporters like you.

Please consider making a contribution of $25, $50, or $100 to our “Expose the NRA” program today.

Some supporters have already given $250, $500, or even become Life Members at the $1,000 level.

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Bottom line: the more resources we have the more gun owners at the convention and across the nation will hear about the NRA’s support of dangerous “Red Flag Gun Seizures”.

Make no mistake about it, we are taking the fight to the NRA to stop “Red Flag” legislation in Washington, DC.

If we can get enough gun owners to rise up, beat the doors down of the NRA and Congress, and let President Trump know the grassroots is opposed, we can stop “Red Flags”.

Grassroots Second Amendment supporters are truly the last line of defense in this fight.

So in addition to making a generous contribution, won’t you please sign your petition by clicking here or below to help us reach 100,000 that we will deliver to President Trump?

If you’ve already signed your petition — THANK YOU!

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Remember a few years ago when the NRA came out with their “Stand and Fight” theme?

It really should be “Sit and Surrender”, because that’s exactly what they are doing sitting in a back room Capitol Hill office writing “Red Flag Gun Seizure” legislation with Lindsey Graham and “Da Nang Dick” Blumenthal.

If you’re interested in fighting with everything you’ve got, then you’ll want to be a part of the American Firearms Association’s plan to “Expose the NRA” next weekend in Indianapolis, and for weeks, months, and years to come.

Please click here to make a generous contribution right now to make it all happen.

We won’t let you down!

— American Firearms Association

P.S. Click here to see our open letter to the President.

Click here to add your name to this letter today!

Once you’ve done that, click here to become a member of the American Firearms Association.