Newsom: “I know how to get their guns…”

If Governor Newsom actually wanted to solve California’s explosion in violent crime, it wouldn’t be that hard. And it certainly wouldn’t take years to address.

First, he would take steps to undo the disastrous ramifications of gun control that has been passed over the years and allow law abiding Californians to freely carry modern firearms and standard mags, so we can defend ourselves from criminals.

Second, he would immediately incarcerate every violent predator that he released from prison over the last three years, while repealing any version of ‘Bail Reform.’

Third, he would tell California’s law enforcement community that Radical DA’s will no longer be trying to put them in prison for doing their jobs and encourage them to aggressively enforce the laws here in the state.

There are many other things he could do, of course, but taking just these three steps would change the course of California and our violent crime problem in major ways!

But Newsom and his America-hating communist allies in Sacramento don’t want to fix our crime problem. They are much happier fighting to defend criminals than they are law abiding Californians. And that’s why they are pushing SB-8!


SB-8 would require gun owners to have proof of personal liability insurance before they could be allowed to own a firearm! This is similar to what the City of San Jose enacted just a few years ago.

Of course, the entire thing is 100% unconstitutional and a complete slap in the face of law-abiding gun owners in California!

Is Newsom’s administration requiring the violent criminals that are wreaking havoc across California to obtain liability insurance, first?  

Or how about the convicted felons that he let pour into the streets of California, did Newsom require that they be bonded or insured before they were loosed on innocent Californians?

Of course not.

This is just another attempt to attack law abiding gun owners, while trying to deflect blame for the massive increase in violent crime that has rocked California!

These politicians are surrounded by California State Troopers every single day they are in Sacramento, while trying to guarantee that you and I are left defenseless!

Please help us shut this bill down, sign your petition today!


Remember, there are three types of politicians in Sacramento right now. There are the Republicans, who would be opposed to this legislation with almost no exceptions.

Then there are the AOC/Pelosi-styled Democrats who want to burn this state to the ground and would happily give up their own political seat if that was the cost of passing bills like SB-8.

Then there are the more self-concerned Democrats who are every bit as anti-gun as their colleagues, but they are far less willing to push bills like this if it may cost them their re-election or their party control of the State Senate.

So if gun owners continue to pressure the Senate, especially the first and third groups described above, we can defeat legislation like SB-8!

So sign your petition immediately, so that your politicians in Sacramento know you are watching this bill (and their actions on it) very closely.

But after you’ve signed it, please also take a moment to make a donation of $100, $75, $50, or $25 to the American Firearms Association.

We are preparing digital ads against this legislation as we speak, as part of our program to flood the Capitol with calls and emails opposing this bill -– but we need your help!

These raging socialists think that you and I have given up, that they won’t have to worry about paying a price at election time.

Help me prove them wrong, take action TODAY!

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association

P.S. With violent crime exploding statewide, the truly deranged leftists in Sacramento are pushing SB-8, legislation mandating that you have liability insurance before you can possess a firearm!

This is a disgusting slap in the face of gun owners, as no insurance carrier offers stand-alone insurance like this in California, and it blames law abiding gun owners for the violence that has been caused by Gov. Newsom’s policies!

Sign your petition against this legislation immediately!


Then make a generous donation of $100, $75, $50 or $25 so we can get the word out to more gun owners about this dangerous attack on our freedoms!