New Assault Weapons Ban Introduced!

Fresh off the heels of Dianne Feinstein introducing her so-called “assault weapons” ban in the Senate (S. 25), a similar version of the bill has now been introduced in the House.

H.R. 698, introduced by radical anti-gun Congressman David Cicilline of Rhode Island, has TWO HUNDRED cosponsors!

Yes, you read that right.

With Chuck Schumer running the Senate, Joe Biden demanding gun control, and a historically slim Republican majority in the House, we simply cannot let our guard down.

The American Firearms Association has set a goal of gathering 500,000 petitions OPPOSED to S. 25 / H.R. 698 over the next few weeks.

2A supporters nationwide need to send a loud and clear message to the politicians on Capitol Hill — HANDS OFF OF OUR GUNS!

We’re asking ALL of our supporters to do three simple things today 

to engage in this battle:

1. Sign your petition OPPOSING S. 25 / H.R. 698

2. Call your Congressman / senator at 202-224-3121 and tell them to OPPOSE!

3. Forward this email to your 2A-loving family and friends and encourage them to take action today!


For America,

Christopher Dorr, 

American Firearms Association