Nashville Shooting — Our Response

Within seconds of news breaking that a 28-year-old female murdered at least five people, including children, at a Nashville school, the gun-grabbers went on offense.

At a press conference just outside the school, an anti-gun activist stole the microphone, demanding gun control be passed immediately.

Liberals across social media platforms and cable news demanded silence from Second Amendment supporters so they could spew their anti-gun attacks.

Then the White House Press Secretary joined in:

Biden followed up demanding gun control:


The horrific murders today in Nashville remind us why it’s important for Americans to personally exercise their Second Amendment rights by carrying everywhere because one never knows when and where evil will strike.

Right now, the gun grabbers are demanding politicians on Capitol Hill and state legislatures pass gun control — flooding their inboxes with emails and cell phones with calls.

If there ever was a time to push back from our side, it’s NOW!

We need EVERY SINGLE ONE of our supporters to take action today and flood Capitol Hill with grassroots petitions insisting your Congressman and Senators vote to DEFEAT an “Assault Weapons Ban”!

Sign below to DEFEAT the Biden / Feinstein Assault Weapons Ban!

Become a member or renew for 2023 with AFA today!

For America,

Christopher Dorr, 

American Firearms Association