Meeting with the White House

Washington, DC — Last week, American Firearms Association board members met with White House legislative staff to express our concerns over dangerous “Red Flag Gun Seizure” legislation being discussed on Capitol Hill in DC.

In no uncertain terms, we told the White House that not only are “Red Flags” a danger to gun owners and the Second Amendment rights of all Americans, but also a political danger to the President in 2020, who made disturbing comments about this subject in the days after last year’s Parkland shooting.

We left the meeting urging President Trump’s staff to pass our open letter on to him (read it here) and with our promise to deliver 100,000 petitions against “Red Flags” to the White House in the coming weeks.

Keep in mind that while we were involved with this meeting, the National Rifle Association was working overtime on Capitol Hill to cut a deal on this issue.

Insiders report Senator Lindsey Graham and anti-gun radical Senator Dick Blumenthal of Connecticut are doing everything they can to present a “bipartisan” piece of legislation that the President could sign.

We cannot let that happen — we have to keep up the heat.

Senator Rubio’s “Red Flag Gun Seizure” bill — which was heard on March 26 in the Senate Judiciary Committee and written with the support of the NRA and Michael Bloomberg’s lobbyists — was draconian to say the least.

Our understanding is that Graham and Blumenthal are working on a bill to pay states tens of millions of your taxpayer dollars if they pass “Red Flag Gun Seizure” bills in their respective states.

No “Red Flag” legislation is acceptable because we know that if we gun owners give an inch on this, one day the anti-gunners on Capitol Hill will take an entire mile, leaving our Second Amendment rights on the chopping block of a liberal judge.

In the coming weeks, we’ll deliver your petitions to the White House and plan to meet with White House legislative staff once again to hammer our point home on “Red Flags“.

What we say to the White House is the same thing we say to you — this legislation must be killed.

There is no room for “compromise”.

Click here or below to sign your Petition to President Trump and help Stop dangerous “Red Flag Gun Seizures” legislation!

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Please take the petition link ( and forward it to your family and friends on email and social media.

After you sign your petition, consider making a contribution to help the American Firearms Association keep up the fight.

Thank you again for your grassroots activism and generous financial support!

We’ll be sure to keep you updated on all the latest developments.

— The American Firearms Association

P.S. First, sign your petition against this legislation.  When you’re done, share it with all of your friends.

Second, take a moment to ‘Like’ us on Facebook.  Things happen fast in politics, and our Facebook page is where we can communicate with you in real time.

Third, become a member of the American Firearms Association today!  We are building a massive, grassroots organization that will take no prisoners. Stand with us!