McCarthy: Gun Control Legislation On The Table

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is now signaling an openness to working on “gun” legislation with Democrat leader Hakeem Jeffries.

The headline below says it all.

We’ve seen it time and again Republican leadership in Congress sell out gun owners and our gun rights under the guise of “mental health” . . . 

. . . leaving an unelected bureaucrat in DC to determine whether you are mentally fit to exercise your Second Amendment rights.

Democrats are targeting FIVE Republicans to help pass gun control via “discharge petition” where 213 Dems would team up with the following five Republicans to pass gun control and get it over to the Senate.

Here are the Republicans they’re targeting: Maria Salazar (FL), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA), Tony Gonzales (TX), David Joyce (OH), and Mike Turner (OH)

We’re gearing up for a massive ad blitz targeting weak-kneed Republicans insisting they OPPOSE this back-door gun grab.

Please chip in $10, $25, or whatever you can afford below to help us DEFEAT this attempt to ram through gun control!

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For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association