Massive battle in Illinois

AFA supporters across Illinois are battling with everything they have to OPPOSE anti-gun Governor J.B. Pritzker’s Gun Control MegaBill (H.B. 5471).

Over the last week, AFA supporters hammered more than 50,000 petitions and witness slips into the State Capitol in Springfield OPPOSED to this dangerous legislation, outnumbering the gun-grabbers more than 100 to 1.

AFA has spent tens of thousands of dollars on ads mobilizing gun owners across the state to take action.

So much heat was put on the State Senate that Pritzker threatened to “veto” the bill because it got so watered down.

But over the weekend and into yesterday, Pritzker cracked Democrat skulls and forced them to move into action.

As this battle enters it’s final stages, we’re asking ALL AFA supporters across the nation to chip in whatever you can below to support your fellow gun owners in Illinois.

Please chip in with a generous contribution below to help keep up the fight in Illinois!

<<< Chip in $5 to DEFEAT HB 5471! >>>
<<< Chip in $10 to DEFEAT HB 5471! >>>
<<<< Chip in $17.76 to DEFEAT HB 5471! >>>
<< Chip in $25 to DEFEAT HB 5471! >>>
<<< Chip in $50 to DEFEAT HB 5471! >>>

After you’ve taken action, please join up with AFA TODAY at

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association