After two high-profile shootings in the last few days, the Fake News and gun-grabbing Democrats in DC are doing what they always do . . .
Calling for more gun control.
Joe Biden continued his push for a so-called “Assault Weapons Ban” and said “we must take greater action.”
Soros / Bloomberg-funded David Hogg has rage tweeted non-stop, demanding Congress “ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines.”
Even though Republicans took back the House on November 8, there’s still another 5 weeks of what’s called a “lame duck” Congress until the next group of legislators is sworn in.
Pelosi is in charge of the House. Schumer is in charge of the Senate. And the dozen or so Senate Republicans who voted for gun control over the summer still have a vote.
You and I can’t put it past these Communists to go for the kill over the next few weeks.
That’s why it’s vital we crank up heat on Congress, specifically the Senate.
We’re asking all of our supporters nationwide to help flood the Senate in Washington with petitions OPPOSING Joe Biden’s so-called “assault weapons ban.”
It’s already passed the House.
For America,
Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association