In the coming days, AFA staff will navigate airports across the country en route to state capitols, court rooms and the Congress in Washington, DC to fight for your Second Amendment rights.
We humbly ask for your prayers and encouragement as we fan out across the country to continue a fight that’s raged for almost 250 years.

In blue states across America, gun owners are facing unconstitutional tyrannical attacks from gun grabbers in their legislatures. Our members in these states are on defense, fighting with everything they have.
In red states, we’re staying on offense, our staff is working closely with legislative allies to pass historic SAPA legislation, that would prohibit state agencies from helping the federal government enforce unconstitutional gun control in the state.
In DC, Republican Senator Susan Collins is threatening to work with Joe Biden to pass “Red Flags” while Biden is vowing to ban so-called “assault weapons” — he has a willing ally in Democrat Senate Majority Chuck Schumer, as well as a shaky and shrinking Republican majority in the House.
Our rights can never be considered “safe” in the Swamp.
If it wasn’t clear already, the Second Amendment fights are always raging, and thanks to your grassroots activism and generous financial support, we’re holding the line where we can and advancing when the opportunity presents itself.
From all of us here at AFA, we’d like to pass along a grateful THANK YOU to everyone who joined up or renewed with AFA for 2024 over the last few weeks.
But if you haven’t had the chance to join or renew with AFA for 2024, we ask that you consider doing so tonight.
We’re ready to roll here at AFA and we’d love to have you on board as well.
For America,
Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association