Hold The Line — Update from Capitol Hill

Our sources on Capitol Hill tell us that the “Red Flag” gun control deal COULD BE in major trouble because of your massive grassroots heat!

With the Senate recessed until Tuesday of next week, now is the time to lay on the pressure.

Make another round of calls >>> 202-224-3121

Pound those emails >>> StopRedFlags.com

And make a generous donation below so AFA can turn up the spending tomorrow and this weekend on our ads running around the country!


>>> Chip in $17.76 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<
>>> Chip in $25 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<
>>> Chip in $50 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<
>>> Chip in $100 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<
>>> Chip in $250 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<
>>> Chip in $500 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<
>>> Chip in $1,000 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

If you’ve yet to join or renew for 2022, there’s no better time than now!

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association