H.R. 1808 Passes: What Happens Next?

After yesterday’s 12-hour House Judiciary Committee hearing on the so-called “Assault Weapons Ban” ended in passage by a vote of 25-18, one major question remains:


AFA’s federal legislative team has worked the halls of Congress for weeks now on this bill, and sources tell us that Nancy Pelosi may still be a few votes short of passage in the House.

As it stands now, H.R. 1808 has 212 cosponsors, ALL Democrats.  Because there are a total of 4 seats currently vacated, Pelosi needs 216 votes to pass instead of 218, which she would normally need if the House were at full capacity.

Four Democrats are expected to vote NO:

Jared Golden (ME), Henry Cuellar (TX), Kurt Schrader (OR) and Ron Kind (WI).  A few others remain undecided.

But this is where things get dangerous because as we all know, there are a handful of TRAITOR RINOs in the House, Adam Kinzinger (IL) and Chris Jacobs (NY) to name a couple.

If she can get the votes, Pelosi is expected to move this bill to the floor next week before Congress leaves for recess.

It’s a BIG deal if Pelosi can pass it, because then Chuck Schumer and some of the 15 RINO Republicans in the Senate could move it whenever they think the time is right (usually after a high profile shooting).

But it would be an even bigger deal if grassroots gun owners could stop Pelosi and DEFEAT H.R. 1808 in the House.

And that’s where AFA’s time, energy and financial resources are focused right now.

If all of us band together, we can beat this thing and drive a stake directly into Nancy Pelosi’s gun control agenda for this Congress.

That’s why we’re asking everyone to dig deep and help us hold the line on Capitol Hill by making as generous a financial contribution as you can below.

We’ve fought Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and the gun-grabbers with everything we have for the last two years . . . let’s win this one!

>>> Chip in $17.76 to DEFEAT H.R. 1808! <<<

>>> Chip in $25 to DEFEAT H.R. 1808! <<<

>>> Chip in $50 to DEFEAT H.R. 1808! <<<

>>> Chip in $100 to DEFEAT H.R. 1808! <<<

>>> Chip in $250 to DEFEAT H.R. 1808! <<<

>>> Chip in $500 to DEFEAT H.R. 1808! <<<

>>> Chip in $1,000 to DEFEAT H.R. 1808! <<<

For America,

Christopher Dorr

American Firearms Association