Gun Owners Need Judge Barrett on the Supreme Court!

The Senate Judiciary Committee just finished their three day long committee hearing over Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court.

And if you’ve had time to watch any of the hearings, you know that Barrett’s previous rulings on the Second Amendment were the hottest topic of these hearings!

Simply put: the radical left is terrified that adding Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court would slow their goal of registering and eventually confiscating firearms from law abiding Americans!

And that’s why they are doing everything they can to put pressure on moderate Republicans to oppose Judge Barrett’s nomination!

So please take a moment and send this email to your US Senators, insisting that they ‘VOTE YES’ on Amy Barrett’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court!

During today’s hearings, Judge Barrett was questioned extensively on her ruling in Kanter v Barr where she argued that people convicted on non-violent felonies are not automatically barred from owning guns under the Constitution.

In this decision she said:

“History is consistent with common sense: it demonstrates that legislatures have the power to prohibit dangerous people from possessing guns…But that power extends only to people who are dangerous. Founding legislatures did not strip felons of the right to bear arms simply because of their status as felons.”

In response to a series of questions from Senator Durbin, Judge Barrett doubled down on her answer, stating that the right to keep and bear arms is an ‘individual right’ — a critical and welcome distinction!

And that’s why every gun control organization in America is doing everything they can to block a vote on Barrett’s nomination!  

So make your voice heard, send your pre-written email here or by clicking on the box below!

Today’s radical leftists are completely unhinged, and they hate gun owners who proudly fight to defend our Second Amendment freedoms.

They know that patriots like you are the only thing standing between them and their goal of turning America into a socialist nightmare, where only the government can own guns!

So the left is going all in as they seek to stop Barrett’s nomination, especially with a national election only weeks away.

That’s why I hope you’ll go ‘all in’ as well! Please consider an immediate donation to help the American Firearms Coalition FLOOD the U.S. Senate with emails in support of Judge Barrett!

Whether you can give $5, $50, or $500 — now is the time!

Your donation will help AFC mobilize thousands of gun owners to take action! But we have to hurry, as the vote could take place in just three to four weeks!

Please make your donation NOW!


— The American Firearms Association


P.S. The Senate Judiciary Committee just wrapped up their three days of hearings over Judge Amy Barrett’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court.

And as you probably know if you watched any of the hearings, Judge Barrett’s interpretation of the Second Amendment was the hottest issue of the hearings, as the radical left is determined to use the court to crush our right to keep and bear arms!

That’s why it’s vital that you send a PRE-WRITTEN email to your U.S. Senators immediately, insisting that they vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court!

And please make a donation — right away — to help the American Firearms Coalition mobilize hundreds of thousands of gun owners into taking action!