Fwd: 250,000 petitions against the Assault Weapons Ban (H.R. 1808)

Since Friday, the American Firearms Association gathered more than 72,000 signed petitions OPPOSED to H.R. 1808, Nancy Pelosi’s so-called “Assault Weapons Ban.”

Our goal of 250,000 signed petitions this week is within reach, but EVERYONE needs to get on board by signing right now, then forward this email to get friends involved in the fight.

H.R. 1808 Bans HUNDREDS of firearms: Bushmasters, Barretts, Remingtons, Thompsons, H&Ks, SIGs, AKs, AR-10s and AR-15s, Mossbergs, Colts, SKSs, S&Ws — the list goes on and on for 64 pages.

Keep up the heat: Sign your petition OPPOSING H.R. 1808!


After you’ve signed your petition, jump on board now with AFA for 2022 by renewing your membership or joining up for the first time!

For America,

Patrick Parsons
Executive Vice President
American Firearms Association