Congressman Matt Gaetz

Congress is back in DC this week, and a fight your American Firearms Association started in January is about to heat up.

Six months ago, AFA staff worked with Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida to introduce H.R. 374, the ABOLISH THE ATF ACT.

Many in the Second Amendment world called us crazy, but it’s now six months later, and all anyone on Capitol Hill can talk about when it comes to the ATF is ABOLISHING or DEFUNDING them.

What makes us different here at AFA from all the others is that we strongly believe that if you don’t publicly work to push tough, controversial issues, then the politicians will NEVER vote on anything that matters.

Because AFA began the conversation about ABOLISHING the ATF in January, we’re now closer than ever to having a major show down battle over completely cutting off the ATF’s money and shutting them down.

In the coming months, Congress will debate spending “appropriations” for the twelve major bureaucracies, where the BILLIONS of dollars are for the ATF.

Our federal legislative team is working with Congressman Gaetz and others to ABOLISH THE ATF by cutting off their money and cutting off money for key officials like Dettelbach and his henchmen.   

But we must CRANK UP THE HEAT to get this done — nothing happens without force!

With Congress back in session, we’re asking all of our supporters to double down and do three things in support of H.R. 374:

1. Sign your Official Petition to ABOLISH THE ATF

2. Call your Congressman at 202-224-3121 and tell them to support Congressman Matt Gaetz’s H.R. 374

3. Forward this email to all of your Second Amendment-supporting friends across America and ask them to support H.R. 374

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association