Coming in HOT in 2023!

In a little over two weeks, dozens of state legislatures across America — and a new Congress in DC — will be sworn into office.

We’re expecting swift, anti-gun attacks in Congress and in state capitols nationwide. 

In Illinois right this moment, AFA members are battling a gun control mega bill (HB 5855), the likes of which has never been seen.

That’s why we’re asking ALL of our supporters nationwide to RENEW or JOIN up with AFA for 2023 using the link below!

We must fill up our war chest for these imminent battles or risk getting blitzed by Bloomberg / Soros dollars.

Please get on board with AFA for 2023 below . . . 

(Be sure to check out our all-new AFA Member t-shirt)!

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association