BREAKING: Gun Control Deal Announced

Moments ago, gun-grabbing Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Dick Blumenthal (D-CT) announced they have cut a MONSTER gun control deal with lead Republican negotiators, Texas Senator John Cornyn and North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis.

While this deal is loaded down with multiple gun control provisions, the main focus is “Red Flag Gun Confiscation” where the federal government will spend billions of your dollars to assist states in passing and implementing Red Flags.

Needless to say, this is an EMERGENCY.

You and I must flood the U.S. Senate with email petitions and calls INSISTING Republican Senators blow up this deal.

Sources tell us as many as 10 TRAITOR Republicans, if not more, could be leaning toward selling you out . . .

HAMMER the Senate with emails RIGHT NOW!

This political battle is upon us — please chip in as much as you can below so that we can mobilize millions of gun owners to STOP this deal.

>>> Chip in $17.76 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $25 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $50 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $100 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $250 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $500 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

>>> Chip in $1,000 to DEFEAT RED FLAGS! <<<

If you’ve yet to join up or renew with AFA, there’s no time to wait . . . get on board today!

For America,

Christopher Dorr, 
American Firearms Association