Biden Orders National Gun Registration

First, it was the “pistol brace” ban and now it’s National Gun Registration.

Yesterday, while releasing a series of unconstitutional Executive Orders, Joe Biden ordered his Attorney General Merrick Garland to:

“clarify the definition of who is engaged in the business of dealing in firearms, and thus required to become Federal firearms licensees (FFLs).”

In an official press release, the White House called this “moving the US as close to universal background checks as possible.”

Make no mistake about it, Biden has now given the most anti-gun Attorney General in history, Merrick Garland, wide latitude to determine who must register with the government in order to sell a firearm.

According to Biden’s order, if Garland so chooses, he could determine that an individual who sells ONE firearm in a certain period of time will need to get an FFL from the feds, thus eliminating private sales between individuals unless a federal “background check” (GUN REGISTRATION) is conducted.

Tyrannical.  Unconstitutional.  Whatever you want to call it.

Biden is bypassing Congress because grassroots gun owners like you are hammering your congressmen and Senators with pressure insisting they don’t touch gun control with a ten-foot pole.


Like the “pistol brace” ban, this is likely to end up in court in the coming months.

In order to beat Biden and the gun-grabbers in court, this is going to be very expensive.

>>> On Monday, AFA and our state affiliate, the New York State Firearms Association, will be in court in NYC suing anti-gun Governor Kathy Hochul.

>>> Less than ten days ago, Obama Judge Brian Wimes threw out our ground-breaking “SAPA Law” in Missouri, forcing us into potentially years of costly litigation.

>>> Our attorneys are preparing lawsuits in Illinois, Washington, and Colorado to challenge “assault weapon bans.”

>>> All these on top of court battles over the “pistol brace” ban, and it all adds up.

We’re looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal costs.

If $100, $50, or $25 is appropriate for you at this time to help us fight these battles in court, please make a donation right away, and know what we are deeply thankful.


Some generous donors have already given us $250, $500, or even $1,000 to help us get going with this. If you are in that position, please be generous.

The amount of your donation is entirely up to you.

But I need to give our legal team a hard answer very quickly on how much we’ve raised for this fight.

So please make your donation fast!

<<< DONATE $10 to FIGHT Joe Biden / Merrick Garland in Court! >>>
<<< DONATE $25 to FIGHT Joe Biden / Merrick Garland in Court! >>>
<<< DONATE $50 to FIGHT Joe Biden / Merrick Garland in Court! >>>
<<< Donate $100 to FIGHT Joe Biden / Merrick Garland in Court! >>>
<<< DONATE $250 to FIGHT Joe Biden /Merrick Garland in Court! >>>

To read Joe Biden’s Executive Orders from yesterday, click here.

After you’ve taken action, please join up with AFA TODAY at

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association