Biden Demands Assault Weapons Ban!

Democrats gathered for their annual retreat in Baltimore this week and the keynote speaker was none other than Joe Biden.

Just moments into his speech, Biden launched into the Second Amendment, vowing to BAN so-called “assault weapons” and “high capacity magazines.”

Democrats in attendance shot to their feet and erupted in cheers . . . 

With Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein in control of the Senate and Republicans holding one of the smallest majorities in history, it’s vital 2A supporters FLOOD the Congress with opposition to Biden’s gun control agenda.

The American Firearms Association has set a goal of gathering 500,000 petitions OPPOSED to S. 25 / H.R. 698 over the next few weeks.

2A supporters nationwide need to send a loud and clear message to the politicians on Capitol Hill — HANDS OFF OF OUR GUNS!

We’re asking ALL of our supporters to do TWO simple things today to engage in this battle:

1. Sign your petition OPPOSING S. 25 / H.R. 698

2. Forward this email to your 2A-loving family and friends and encourage them to take action today!


For America,

Christopher Dorr, 

American Firearms Association