H.R. 1808 is really bad news

H.R. 1808 is really bad news

You’ve never seen a bill like H.R. 1808, Nancy Pelosi’s so-called “Assault Weapons Ban.” It bans HUNDREDS of firearms: Bushmasters, Barretts, Remingtons, Thompsons, H&Ks, SIGs, AKs, AR-10s and AR-15s, Mossbergs, Colts, SKSs, S&Ws…...
250,000 petitions against the Assault Weapons Ban (H.R. 1808)

250,000 petitions against the Assault Weapons Ban (H.R. 1808)

So far today, more than 21,000 patriots like yourself have signed AFA’s petition OPPOSING H.R. 1808, Nancy Pelosi’s “Assault Weapons Ban”! This bill is even worse than the 1994 version — it bans over 200 different types of firearms many...
Pelosi Schedules Assault Weapons Ban Hearing

Pelosi Schedules Assault Weapons Ban Hearing

The fight for our Second Amendment rights is happening RIGHT NOW! Nancy Pelosi has just scheduled an “emergency” hearing next Wednesday in the House Judiciary Committee, where for the first time in nearly 30 years, there will be a vote on a so-called...
Assault Weapons Ban Rally in DC

Assault Weapons Ban Rally in DC

Right now, hundreds of anti-gun Commie Mommies are swarming Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, pressuring Congress to pass Joe Biden’s “Assault Weapons Ban” (S. 736 / H.R. 1808). With over 210 cosponsors of this legislation in the House and over a dozen...