Cory Booker introduces his NUCLEAR gun control bill

Cory Booker introduces his NUCLEAR gun control bill

Anti-gun Senator Cory Booker has officially introduced his Biden / Booker NUCLEAR Gun Control Bill! If you’d like to look up the text, the bill number is S. 4263. As we noted in Thursday’s grassroots email alert, Booker’s original cosponsors of this...
New Gun Control Bill Coming to Congress

New Gun Control Bill Coming to Congress

Just days after the shooting in Buffalo, gun owners are now facing a three-pronged assault from the gun grabbers. 1. Biden’s Executive Orders; 2. Dettelbach’s ATF nomination; 3. And now, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker is set to introduce a NUCLEAR gun...
Dettelbach ATF Hearing Next Week

Dettelbach ATF Hearing Next Week

Joe Biden and the Dems got exactly what they needed to push their anti-gun agenda with the tragic shooting in Buffalo over the weekend. Fresh out today is news that “Team Biden” is ready to ram gun-grabbing radical Steve Dettelbach through the Senate to...
Democrat Senator Going Wobbly

Democrat Senator Going Wobbly

Sources on Capitol Hill indicate that your grassroots pressure is starting to wear on at least one Democrat U.S. Senator, and possibly many more. Senator Jon Tester of Montana says he “hasn’t decided” how he will vote on Joe Biden’s ATF...
We’re preparing to sue the ATF

We’re preparing to sue the ATF

On April 26, Joe Biden announced his “FINAL ORDER” going into effect August 24, requiring serial numbers on upper receivers, redefining what a firearm is, and redefining what a gunsmith is. These orders will need to be fought against in court and the...