For most of us, Father’s Day weekend is a time spent with family and loved ones honoring the fathers of this country who make it great. We hope you had a great one, but now is the time to fire the grassroots engine back up, and keep the heat on the U.S. Senate...
TRAITOR Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn, the lead Red Flag “negotiator” with gun-grabbing Democrats in DC, was boo’ed loudly today at the GOP State Convention in Houston. This is MUST SEE video! With our emails, ads, and texts ripping across...
Your calls are working. Your emails are working. AFA ads are running on full blast all across the country blasting RINO Senators thanks to your generous financial contributions. Now is not the time to let up, now is the time to turn up the heat! With the Senate...
Our sources on Capitol Hill tell us that the “Red Flag” gun control deal COULD BE in major trouble because of your massive grassroots heat! With the Senate recessed until Tuesday of next week, now is the time to lay on the pressure. Make another round of...
The gun-grabbers in the Senate are coming at us from angles today, holding a vote in the Judiciary Committee for the nomination of anti-gun ATF nominee Steve Dettelbach this morning . . . . . . then at 1:30 restarting negotiations over the “Red Flag” gun...