Nashville Killer’s Manifesto RELEASED

Nashville Killer’s Manifesto RELEASED

It’s been nearly nine months since the Covenant School massacre in Nashville, where an evil “transgender” killer walked into the school and brutally murdered three kids and three adults. Like they always do, the Radical Left (and some RINOs) used it as an opportunity...
BREAKING: National Ammo Registration

BREAKING: National Ammo Registration

Well, that didn’t take long. Seeking to capitalize on the Maine shooting, anti-gun Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has just introduced S. 3223 . . .  NATIONAL AMMO REGISTRATION Her new bill would put a BAN on bulk ammo sales, outlaw buying...
Dem Senator Introducing Massive Gun Control Bill

Dem Senator Introducing Massive Gun Control Bill

Maine Democrat Senator Angus King is set to introduce a MASSIVE new gun control bill aimed at neutering so-called “assault weapons,” in his words, targeting “functionality” over looks. He told the Press Herald Editorial Board in a lengthy...
The Gaetz Rebellion – Why It Is Important!

The Gaetz Rebellion – Why It Is Important!

In a move never seen before in the history of Congress, Congressman Matt Gaetz and seven other Republicans ousted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on live television with tens of millions of people watching. There’s a lot that grassroots 2A supporters can learn from...
Biden Opens New Gun Control Office

Biden Opens New Gun Control Office

On Friday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, in front of a White House Rose Garden full of anti-gun radicals like David Hogg, announced a brand new office called the “White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.” All of us have been around long enough to know...