Nashville Shooting — Our Response

Nashville Shooting — Our Response

Within seconds of news breaking that a 28-year-old female murdered at least five people, including children, at a Nashville school, the gun-grabbers went on offense. At a press conference just outside the school, an anti-gun activist stole the microphone, demanding...
Stop Polis’ Assault Weapons Ban! You

Stop Polis’ Assault Weapons Ban! You

Jared Polis and Colorado Dems are looking to RAM it into law a so-called “assault weapons ban” as soon as possible! The bill is HB23-1230, introduced by Representative Elisabeth Epps and Senator Rhonda Fields. It must be DEFEATED! HB23-1230 would ban...
REPEAL the Pistol Brace Ban!

REPEAL the Pistol Brace Ban!

After three weeks of constant calls and emails from AFA members and supporters demanding action on the Second Amendment, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is feeling the heat. In the last ten days, House Republicans have scheduled hearings for April 26 (ATF Director...
UPDATE: In court right now!

UPDATE: In court right now!

This morning AFA is in court alongside our state affiliate, the New York State Firearms Association, going head to head with anti-gun New York Governor Kathy Hochul, challenging the constitutionality of the gun control bill she signed into law last year. We’ve been...
McCarthy pressured by firearms group to cancel fundraiser

McCarthy pressured by firearms group to cancel fundraiser

It’s front page news in Washington this morning — the American Firearms Association calling on Kevin McCarthy to CANCEL his fundraiser for anti-gun Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick. Fitzpatrick is the lead sponsor of NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION (H.R. 715)...