Red Flag Gun Seizure Hearing in DC!

Dear AFC Supporter, On Tuesday, March 26, South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has scheduled a hearing on “Red Flag Gun Seizure” legislation (S. 7) in the Senate Judiciary Committee! Yes, you read that right — REPUBLICAN Lindsey Graham is...
New Website Launch!

New Website Launch!

Last week we told you about the “Red Flag Gun Seizure” (Senate Bill 7) hearing happening in Washington, DC next Tuesday, March 26. More than 57,000 emails from American Firearms Association supporters have poured into the Capitol opposing this dangerous...
NRA-Backed Marco Rubio Files ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ Legislation

NRA-Backed Marco Rubio Files ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ Legislation

“I will support a law that takes that right away.” That’s what Florida Senator Marco Rubio said last year in the wake of the Parkland shooting, when asked if he would support legislation that takes away an 18-20 year old’s right to buy a rifle. Rubio went on to state...
Help Stop Nancy Pelosi’s National Gun Registry Legislation!

Help Stop Nancy Pelosi’s National Gun Registry Legislation!

After spending over 100 million dollars to flip control of Congress and put the Speaker’s gavel back into Nancy Pelosi’s hand, Michael Bloomberg is pushing for results. And Nancy Pelosi is doing all she can to deliver! That’s why I’m writing you today, as it appears...

Where is the NRA?

On election night 2016, gun owners across the country breathed a huge sigh of relief knowing that Obama’s eight-year war on our gun rights was over. Even better was the news that Hillary Clinton would not be our next President! Most gun owners went to bed that night...