ATF Rule Change Coming Soon!

Last month, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a new “pistol brace” rule that could turn up to 40 million American gun owners into FELONS.

In less than 90 days, this rule goes into full effect, turning gun owners into criminals virtually overnight.

AFA is mobilizing hundreds of thousands of gun owners nationwide in a coalition to SUE THE ATF when this rule becomes official.

The details of this legal action and whether we’ll be filing a standalone federal lawsuit, joining with another organization in a joint lawsuit, or using Amicus briefs are still being worked out.

But what we know now is that it’s going to take ALL of us standing shoulder-to-shoulder together to WIN this battle in court.

Please stand with your fellow Second Amendment supporters nationwide by signing your official “HELP US SUE THE ATF” petition today!

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association