Anti-Gun Dems Praise Lindsey Graham “Red Flag Gun Seizure” Push

Dear Fellow Patriot,

Think back to last fall during the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearing.

Every single left-wing Democrat Senator on the Judiciary Committee did everything in their power to take Kavanaugh down WITHOUT due process.

Fast forward to right now, and that’s just what they would like to with dangerous “Red Flag Gun Seizure” legislation at the federal level.

But this time, instead of fighting against them like he did during the Kavanaugh hearing, South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is working with them — and the NRA — to ram a “bipartisan Red Flag” bill down our throats.

In fact, anti-gun Senator “Da Nang Dick” Blumenthal of Connecticut is writing the bill with Senator Graham.

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As of today, Second Amendment activists have signed more than 50,000 petitions to President Trump urging him to publicly OPPOSE and promise to VETO “Red Flag Gun Seizures”.

Won’t you please sign your petition by clicking here or below to help us reach 100,000 that we will deliver to President Trump?

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If you’ve already signed your petition — THANK YOU!

Help us spread the word by passing the petition on to your family and friends, email lists, and social media groups across the country.

Grassroots Second Amendment activists like you are the only force standing in the way of whatever “bipartisan” legislation is being cooked up on Capitol Hill in DC.

We can stop “Red Flags” but we must keep up a sustained level of heat on our Senators and the President himself.

Take action now and help us keep up the fight!

— American Firearms Association

P.S. Click here to see our open letter to the President.

Click here to add your name to this letter today!

Once you’ve done that, click here to become a member of the American Firearms Association.