ALERT: REPEAL the Pistol Brace Ban!

After more than six weeks of constant calls and emails from AFA members and supporters demanding action on the Second Amendment, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is feeling the heat.

Today, House Republicans have scheduled a “pistol brace” ban hearing in the House Judiciary Committee.

And I need you to take grassroots action below . . . 

They will hold what’s called a “mark up” on H.J. Res. 44 that would repeal the Biden Administration’s pistol brace rule.

By seeking to invoke the “Congressional Review Act” (CRA), the resolution would “nullify the Biden administration rule if passed by the House and Senate and signed by President Biden, or if Congress were to override a likely Biden veto.”

But even if this passes through committee today, that is no guarantee it will have 218 votes to pass on the House floor, or that it will even get a vote.

The ban goes into law officially on May 31!

That means we have serious work to do at the grassroots level to gin up enough heat on McCarthy and the Republicans to get this done.

That’s why we’re asking all of our supporters nationwide to crank up the heat on Congress by signing the OFFICIAL PETITION TO REPEAL THE PISTOL BRACE BAN!

Without everyone getting involved and putting pressure on Congress, they won’t do anything — that’s why it’s vital everyone take action now and continue making our voices heard on Capitol Hill!


As we’ve told you time and time again, without grassroots heat on Congress or state legislatures, the politicians usually do nothing to defend our Second Amendment rights.

While the battle is just getting started, the pressure campaign you’ve waged on McCarthy in recent weeks is beginning to show fruit.

But we can’t let up now . . . 


After taking action, please consider joining up with AFA for 2023 if you’ve yet to do so — get in the fight today!

For America,

Chris Dorr, President
American Firearms Association