AFC Storms Washington D.C.!

“We have never really had staff from a gun rights organization actually come to our offices and tell us what they want us to do regarding a gun bill, thanks for stopping by.”

That’s what one Congressman told AFC staff this week, as AFC team members swarmed Capitol Hill and the White House as we worked to stop NRA-backed ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation -– dropping off over 116,000 of your signed petitions in the process!

As you know, ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ would allow virtually anyone to make up a bogus complaint against you, resulting in the courts ordering your firearms seized before you’ve been arrested, indicted, or convicted of…anything!

And with the NRA supporting this legislation, it’s up to grassroots gun owners to fight back!

That’s why the American Firearms Association was working so hard in D.C. over the last three days! Check out some of these pictures from the meetings that we had this week.

(AFC board members and volunteers with just a portion of the petitions that we delivered to President Trump Tuesday afternoon, telling him to veto ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ if Congress puts it on his desk!)

(The AFC team met with White House staff in the West Wing as well, making sure that they knew how regular gun owners feel about this legislation.)

In addition to this, we had dozens of meetings on Capitol Hill with Republican Senators and Congressional leaders, insisting that they start fighting for gun owners and stop backing radical gun control.

Just some of the Republican Senators/staff we met with include Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Josh Hawley (R-MO), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Rob Portman (R-OH),  Marco Rubio (R-FL), David Purdue (R-GA), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), and James Risch (R-ID).

(AFC board member Christopher Dorr in Senator Josh Hawley’s office. Hawley, who eagerly supports ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation, has been a bitter disappointment to gun owners in the ‘Show Me’ state.)

We also met with a sizable number of Congressional offices as well, including key pro-gun lawmakers like Congressman Jim Jordon (R-OH) who serves on the House Judiciary Committee.

(AFC’s Northwest Coordinator, Greg Pruett, met with Idaho Congressman Russ Fulcher, reminding him that gun owners are opposed to this bill, regardless of the NRA’s support for it.)

You see, this is what real activism looks like!

Sure, not everyone in the building was happy to meet us, especially moderates who have been selling us out.

But unlike most other organizations, the American Firearms Association doesn’t work for lawmakers — we work for you!

Thank you to everyone who joined or donated to AFC to help us fund this operation, we greatly appreciate it.

But the American Firearms Association is just getting warmed up, with some fantastic things planned in the very near future that you’ll be hearing about soon. But we need your help to keep fighting!

If you’re not yet a member, please get involved NOW!

If you are already a member, feel free to make a special donation to help AFC fight!

— The American Firearms Association
P.S. The American Firearms Association just finished a jam- packed series of meetings on Capitol Hill as well as the White House, letting everyone know that gun owners are 100% opposed to ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures!’

Check out some of the pictures above.