H.R. 2377, Red Flag Gun Confiscations, is being HAMMERED through the House Judiciary Committee by Communist Jerry Nadler and it absolutely MUST be stopped!
Pelosi and Nadler’s law would SHRED due-process rights for gun owners and empower liberal judges to strip a citizen’s firearm freedoms without ever being charged, tried or convicted of a crime!
Designed to obliterate your freedoms, you would be GUILTY unless you can prove that you were not going to commit a crime and the mere fact that you recently bought a gun or ammo can be used as “proof” that you’re a “danger to yourself or others.”
This bill is backed by Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action, Giffords and every radical Leftist you can think of in Congress.
Please take a moment right now and submit your OFFICIAL petition demanding a HELL NO vote on H.R. 2377 in Congress!