Act Now: Gun Control Hearings Today in Congress

Thirty minutes from now, the House Judiciary Committee will be holding a sham hearing and then a vote on H.R. 7910, the omnibus gun control bill we told you about last night!

This monster bill is going to incorporate eight different pieces of gun control legislation into one bill. And as you can see, it’s moving fast.

While this bill is expected to be amended on the floor with additional pieces of gun control, some of what is already contained in H.R. 7910 is language that would:

*** Make it a felony for anyone under the age of 21 to buy an AR-15 or similar firearm;

*** Make it a felony for anyone to buy a magazine that holds over ten rounds of ammunition;

*** Force gun owners to register all homemade (80% lower-style) firearms with the feds through the NICS system;

*** Reclassify bump stocks as a destructive device, making them subject to the NFA Act and regulated like a machine gun;

*** Force you to lock up your guns 24/7 if you have children in your home, making it a felony for gun owners to have access to a firearm for self-defense in almost all cases.

AFA has prepared a new action alert to help gun owners push back against this tyrannical legislation. Please take a moment to email your Congressman and demand he VOTES NO on this bill! 


When you’re done, take a moment to call your Congressman using the Capitol Hill switchboard number which is 202-224-3121.

If your Congressman is a Republican, tell him to hold the line against this bill and the rest of the gun control bills that are coming in Congress — and that you’re watching for any hint of compromise.

If your Congressman is a Democrat, tell him to vote no on this bill or risk losing his re-election in the fall. And remind him that passing bills like this is a great way for Congressional Democrats to lose the House altogether.

AFA’s Executive Vice President Patrick Parsons will be on hand for today’s committee action, and we’ll be bringing you a live report later this morning. So stay tuned to our Facebook page!  

And please make an urgent donation to help AFA sound the alarm on this horrific bill! This bill is just the beginning! We need to keep the pressure WHITE HOT!


For America,

Christopher Dorr, 
American Firearms Association

P.S. The House Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing and a vote on H.R. 7910 THIS MORNING at 10:00am! This massive new omnibus gun control bill was filed yesterday, and crams eight bills into one! 

Tell your Congressman to VOTE NO on this bill, using a new action alert. Don’t hesitate, this bill could move from the committee to the floor in record speed.


The AFA team is in the Capitol right now and we hope to bring you a live report later today on the outcome of this committee hearing. So be watching our Facebook page for more information.

Fight back against these America-hating leftist ghouls who want to disarm our country! Donate today!