Pass the Real SAPA Law NOW!
Corrupt Joe Biden can’t get the 60 votes he needs to pass gun control through Congress so now he’s attacking our freedoms by issuing Executive Orders to ban pistol braces and 80% lowers. Hell NO!
That’s why the South Dakota legislature needs to pass the same, powerful Second Amendment Preservation Act that Missouri passed, because it destroys China Joe’s gun-control orders by requiring South Dakota cops to only enforce South Dakota gun laws.
But we have to do it right – it cannot be a weak, watered down version that has no enforcement mechanism. It has to have TEETH if we are going to protect our freedoms!
Please send a pre-written email to the South Dakota House Judiciary Committee and tell them to vote YES on the REAL SAPA Amendment that will be introduced in committee for AFA by Representative Aaron Aylward!
And then get in on the FIGHT for freedom by becoming a member of the American Firearms Association!