57 Republicans Vote for Pelosi / NRA Gun Control

Late last night, 18 Republican U.S. Senators voted for the Pelosi / Feinstein / NRA Gun Control language that was snuck into the $1.5 trillion Omnibus Bill earlier this week.

Two days ago in the U.S. House, 39 Republicans voted for the same bill.  

Grassroots gun owners put so much heat on the U.S. Senate in opposition to a stand-alone “VAWA” bill, the Democrats were forced to hide this gun control within the Omnibus bill, where they could pay off Republicans with goodies for their districts.

Make no mistake about it — by cutting a deal with Feinstein in the Senate, the NRA and Republican Senators Ernst (IA) and Murkowski (AK) allowed this VAWA debacle to happen, handing even more police powers over to the ATF and Merrick Garland’s Justice Department.

The NRA did not oppose this VAWA gun control.  They never sent an email out, they never made a social media post, they never lobbied against this betrayal of gun owners.

After passing the House on Wednesday night and the Senate last night, this bill now goes on to Joe Biden’s desk, where he, Feinstein, Pelosi, and Schumer will celebrate a victory thanks to the deal cut by the NRA.

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Here are the 57 Republican traitors who voted for the Pelosi / Feinstein / NRA Gun Control deal:

US Senate

Barrasso (R-WY), Yea
Blunt (R-MO), Yea
Capito (R-WV), Yea
Collins (R-ME), Yea
Cornyn (R-TX), Yea
Ernst (R-IA), Yea
Graham (R-SC), Yea
Grassley (R-IA), Yea
Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Yea
McConnell (R-KY), Yea
Moran (R-KS), Yea
Murkowski (R-AK), Yea
Portman (R-OH), Yea
Shelby (R-AL), Yea
Thune (R-SD), Yea
Tuberville (R-AL), Yea
Wicker (R-MS), Yea
Young (R-IN), Yea

US House

Amodei (R-NV), Yea
Bice (R-OK), Yea
Brady (R-TX), Yea
Calvert (R-CA), Yea
Carl (R-AL), Yea
Carter (R-TX), Yea
Cole (R-OK), Yea
Diaz-Balart (R-FL), Yea
Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Yea
Fleischmann (R-TN), Yea
Garcia (R-CA), Yea
Gimenez (R-FL), Yea
Gonzales, Tony (R-TX), Yea
Gonzalez (R-OH), Yea
Granger (R-TX), Yea
Herrera Beutler (R-WA), Yea
Hinson (R-IA), Yea
Joyce (R-OH), Yea
Katko (R-NY), Yea
Kim (R-CA), Yea
Kinzinger (R-IL), Yea
Malliotakis (R-NY), Yea
McCaul (R-TX), Yea
Meijer (R-MI), Yea
Miller-Meeks (R-IA), Yea
Newhouse (R-WA), Yea
Reed (R-NY), Yea
Reschenthaler (R-PA), Yea
Rogers (R-KY), Yea
Rutherford (R-FL) Yea
Salazar (R-FL), Yea
Sessions (R-TX), Yea
Simpson (R-ID), Yea
Steel (R-CA), Yea
Turner (R-OH), Yea
Upton (R-MI), Yea
Valadao (R-CA), Yea
Womack (R-AR), Yea
Young (R-AK), Yea

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If you happen to be represented by any of these Senators or Members of Congress, please make your displeasure known in a very vocal way.

With anti-gun radicals Pelosi controlling the House and Schumer the Senate, they have a say over what happens in either body.

But there was massive opposition to VAWA. 

AFA members and supporters across America, and other gun owners, waged a months-long battle to weaken this legislation, and if the NRA had not cut their deal, they would have killed it.

The NRA threw Joe Biden a lifeline when he’s at his lowest point.  That can never be forgotten.

With eight months until election day in November, and then potentially 60+ days of a lame duck Democrat House and Senate in November and December, you and I must be vigilante in OPPOSING all gun control that rears it’s ugly head in Washington, DC.

Gun owners are catching on to the NRA’s back room deal-making.  We must continue exposing it, and fighting back.

If you’ve yet to do so, it’s time to come over to the American Firearms Association.  We will NEVER do to you what the NRA is doing to gun owners and has been doing for decades.

Become a member of the American Firearms Association TODAY — CLICK HERE!   

For America,

Christopher Dorr
American Firearms Association

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