500,000 petitions against the Assault Weapons Ban (H.R. 1808 / S. 736)

On September 6, the Democrat-controlled Senate will return to DC with one major goal in mind — ramming the Nancy Pelosi / Dianne Feinstein “Assault Weapons Ban” through the Senate (H.R. 1808 / S. 736).

As you can see, Bloomberg / Soros-funded David Hogg was celebrating with Pelosi at the White House yesterday, vowing to get it through the Senate.

To suggest the Senate wouldn’t touch this bill after Pelosi just passed it through the House for the first time in 30 years is crazy, and we’re asking for your help to stop it!

We’ve set a goal of flooding the U.S. Senate with at least 500,000 petitions by September 6 when they return from their recess.

Please be one of the 500,000+ to sign your petition OPPOSING the Pelosi / Feinstein “Assault Weapons Ban” (H.R. 1808 / S. 736)!


We’re also encouraging you to consider joining or renewing your membership with the American Firearms Association below. 

The fights are white hot in this country … now is the time to be involved!

Please stay tuned for more information about this legislation … we’ll be sure to keep you up to date.

Thank you again for all of your generous support and grassroots activism.

For America,

Christopher Dorr, President
American Firearms Association