2A Fight Underway Right Now

The most consequential Second Amendment battle happening in the country right now is taking place in Nashville, and AFA’s top state legislative team is on the ground ready to kick butt and take names.

Tennessee RINO Governor Bill Lee called for a special session that started today to pass “Red Flag Gun Confiscation” into law.

If Lee succeeds in passing “Red Flags” in a deep red state like Tennessee, expect to see other red states fall like dominoes.

This push by Lee must be defeated. 

We have no other choice but to win this fight.

And that’s where your American Firearms Association comes in. 

Working with our state affiliate, Tennessee Gun Owners, we’ve spent the last four months (AND tens of thousands of dollars) battering Republican elected officials across the state insisting they vote NO on Red Flags.

Our grassroots push includes text messages, social media ads, email and direct mail encouraging grassroots, freedom-loving Tennesseans to contact their elected officials and ask for a NO vote.

We expect to spend far more than $100,000 to win this fight.

But we MUST carry on this sustained spending through the entire special session.

AFA is willing to spend whatever it takes to win, but we need your generous support.

And that’s why we are asking for your help.

If we don’t stop “Red Flags” here it will devastate Tennessee, and they will continue to spread across the country!

Please chip in below to help WIN this war!


For America,

Patrick Parsons, Executive Vice President
American Firearms Association