1 PM Today: H.R. 1808 Vote Today!

At 1:00 PM EST, the House Rules Committee, under the leadership of Communist Democrat Jim McGovern, will take up H.R. 1808, Nancy Pelosi’s so-called “Assault Weapons Ban” to begin the process of moving the bill to the House floor.

Sources on the Hill though tell us that your pressure continues causing major problems for Pelosi within her own Democrat caucus.

Even with 212 Democrat cosponsors on H.R. 1808, she’s still struggling to get the 216 votes she needs for passage, leaving her to cut deals, back stab, and twist arms to get the votes she needs.

That is happening on Capitol Hill RIGHT NOW.

AFA has prepared a special action alert to help gun owners push back against this tyrannical legislation. Please take a moment to petition your Congressman and demand he VOTES NO on this bill! 


When you’re done, take a moment to call your Congressman using the Capitol Hill switchboard number which is 202-224-3121.

If your Congressman is a Republican, tell him to hold the line against this bill and the rest of the gun control bills that are coming in Congress — and that you’re watching for any hint of compromise.

If your Congressman is a Democrat, tell him to vote no on this bill or risk losing their re-election in the fall. And remind them that passing bills like this is a great way for Congressional Democrats to lose the House altogether.

AFA’s legislative team is spread out on Capitol Hill today, and we’ll be bringing you a live report later today. So stay tuned to our Facebook page!  

And please make an urgent donation to help AFA sound the alarm on this horrific bill! This bill is just the beginning! We need to keep the pressure WHITE HOT!


Join or renew your membership for 2022 with the American Firearms Association — the fight is here now!

For America,

Christopher Dorr, 
American Firearms Association
Fight Back, Join AFA -> JOINAFA.org